Industry News

How To Improve The Packaging Value Of Perfume Bottles?

Published by Haojing 2022-12-27

Perfume bottle (More perfume bottles​)how to improve the packing use value always is full of all the industry firmly follow the wind frequency, in view of the perfume bottle, is not like the rest of the glass bottle packaging products, perfume bottles of bear is the brand concept and meaning of perfume, this causes the perfume glass bottle packaging must be on considering making a large number of elements. The following is a brief introduction to the purpose and method of perfume bottle packaging design.



No matter from the packaging, color, or outer packaging design, perfume bottle design should accord with its own characteristics. In many perfume bottles, each has its own characteristics, flowers blooming, attracting different groups.


In this case, the color of the perfume bottle needs to reflect the distinctive characteristics that the product wants to express. For example, the color of some perfume bottles is mainly romantic, soft and sexy; Some pursue perfect and elegant, meticulous, calm; Some are chiefly elegant; Others are pure, pleasing, fresh, brimming with confidence and happiness.



Perfume bottle design from the appearance of the design, there are body or body beautiful curve as the key design style, such as wearing a long dress women's body, graceful, graceful, leaving a deep impression. In the perfume bottles, potted flowers and vines are my key, and there are also bionic technology shapes, such as pearl shell, bamboo and other shapes of perfume bottles. The contents of this kind of eau de perfume are more harmonious and integrated with the bottle packaging, giving people a feeling of being close to nature.



In terms of glass bottle packaging perfume bottles, with the development trend of the market, the proportion of design scheme appearance will be further strengthened in the future. Therefore, for perfume bottle manufacturers, more attention should be paid to the working ability of design scheme. Only when the design scheme can be controlled, can the initiative be obtained in the future market competition.

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